ALPHA – One of the most popular “learning experiences” that has emerged during this time of New Evangelization is the Alpha Course. Designed for anyone considering returning to the church, those who are trying to understand the Christian faith better, and any Christians who would like to brush up on the basics, the Alpha Course offers answers to many of the key questions we often ask ourselves when it comes to living the full life God intended. If you fall into any of the above, then Alpha is for you! Our parish holds several sessions throughout the year. Contact our Pastor at the parish office (631-585-8760 ext. 211) for information.
ALTAR SERVERS – More than twenty five children serve our parish family at weekend masses and special events. Any child who has made his/her First Eucharist can join this ministry. Schedules are made three months in advance. Training takes place once a year around April/May. For further information contact Barbara Loken at
CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICA – Formed in 1903, Catholic Daughter’s is one of the oldest and largest organizations of Catholic women. The purposes of the organization are to participate in the religious, charitable and educational Apostolates of the Church, Catholic Daughters of the Americas engages in creative and spiritual programs which provide its members with the opportunity to develop their special God-given talents in a meaningful way to positively influence the welfare of the Church and all peoples throughout the world. They fulfill this by donating to charities, administering scholarship programs and striving “to be helping hands where there is pain, poverty, sorrow or sickness.” Together they share faith, love of God and activities beginning at the parish level and expanding into all concerns of today’s church and society. This is best summed up by their Mission Statement: Catholic Daughters of the Americas strives to embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality, and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all.
Court St. Gerard meets the first Thursday of the month from September through June at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Center Library. Contact: Maria Calestini at
CATHOLIC WAR VETERANS – The goal of our organization is in accordance with our National Charter: God — Promote service to God and fellow man without regard to race, creed or nationality; Country –Preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, provide support and assistance to Veterans and their families, and promote patriotism; Home — Promote family as the basic unit of American society, aid youth in development in their service of the Catholic Church, country and veterans. We meet monthly on the second Saturday of the month at 10:00 a.m. in the library, September through June. For further information contact Richard Gallagher at 631-732-5176 or email,
First Friday of the month: 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. – Nocturnal Adoration is a way for people to come together and pray as a community. Those who wish to participate meet in the church the 1st Friday of every month from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. During the hours’ time, the Blessed Sacrament is exposed for our prayer and adoration; and at the end of the hour Benediction is recited. Contact: James Reilly at 631-585-1295 or email,
Third Friday of the month: 7:30-8:30 p.m. – ADOREMUS. A contemporary experience of Eucharistic Adoration includes songs of praise and worship, Scripture, preaching, silence and Benediction. A memorable experience of worshiping the Lord in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS (EMS). This ministry serves the parish by distributing Holy Communion at Mass or to the home-bound. Eucharistic Ministers are called not only to minister the Body and Blood of Christ, but also to take on Christ’s likeness. The ministers accomplish this by strengthening their faith from within and sharing it with the faithful at communion time.
Training is required to become a Eucharistic Minister. Training classes are offered in the Spring and the Fall consisting of two sessions: Session A for distributing Communion during Mass and Session B for distributing Communion to the home-bound. We recommend taking both sessions even if the EM’s service is during Mass time only.
If you are interested in serving as a Eucharist Minister please contact our Pastor,, or call 631-585-8760 x 211.
Works with parents to share faith with our youngest members, grades one through eight. Contact Lisette Robustelli for details at 631-588-6408. Office hours during school sessions: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – Noon. Office is closed Thursday, Friday and Sunday. Check bulletin for summer hours.
HOLY NAME SOCIETY – The Holy Name Society of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish is an informally structured organization of parish men and women dedicated to honoring the name of Jesus through good works for the community and devotion to His Holy Name. For over forty-five years, the HNS, with the support of other parish and local organizations, has annually undertaken an Easter Bunny Project to bring a touch of Easter joy in the form of small gifts, entertainment and companionship to elderly religious and laity, and to handicapped children in a number of facilities throughout Suffolk County.
A member of the HNS must be a practicing Catholic, at least 18 years of age, and registered in the Parish. Junior membership may be granted for parishioners, ages 14 through 17, who meet the above criteria, providing they have the sponsorship of a regular member who will assume responsibility for the Junior Member’s conduct and safety.
The HNS meets periodically from September through May, usually the second Monday of the month. Meetings are held in the Parish Center, starting at 7:30 p.m. and ending by 9:00 p.m.
Contact Sal Stingo (981-6905/ or Anita Wolf ( for further information.
LECTORS – Men and women whose love of God’s word empowers them to proclaim that word at our community gatherings, especially during the Eucharist, both on weekends and weekdays. For information about serving as a lector, contact Jerry Flynn at
LEGION OF MARY – Our parish’s Legion of Mary (Our Lady of Tears) meets every Monday at 10:00 a.m. in the parish library. For more information contact Anne Joan Palma at 585-8760.
Our parish’s Music Ministry seeks to lead and support our parish family in full, conscious, and active participation in the liturgy, as well as improve the sacramental life of our parish family.
Saturday 5:30 p.m. – Music is led by Robert Ruymaker. New members are always welcome. Rehearsals take place in the church every Thursday,6:30 – 8:00 p.m. For further information, call Rob at 516-523-1668
Sunday 8:00 a.m. – Music is led by Robert Ruymaker. New members are always welcome. Rehearsals take place in the church every Thursday, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. For further information, call Rob at 516-523-1668
Sunday 9:30 a.m. – Music is led by Rob Ruymaker, supported by teens and adults. New members are always welcome. Rehearsals take place in the church every Wednesday from 6 – 7:30 p.m. For further information, call Rob at 516-523-1668.
Sunday 11:30 a.m. – Music is led by Rob Ruymaker, supported by adults who goals are to draw the community into full and active participation of the Eucharist. Rehearsals take place in the church every Thursday, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. New members are always welcome. For further information, call Rob at 516-523-1668.
Wedding Music. Our music director, Rob Ruymaker, leads music at every weekend mass. He is able to provide a contemporary style of music for your wedding. Contact him at 516-523-1668 or see him after mass. If you do not wish the style of music we have at our weekend liturgies, you should contact Fran at 631-807-5679. It is important that you contact the musician of your choice at least two months before your wedding.
PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY (OUTREACH): Open Tuesday and Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Food pantry available. Will also try to help with referrals and advocacy. Call Outreach Office for appointment, 631-585-8760 x101.
PASTORAL COUNCIL: The Pastoral Council consists of parishioners, chosen by the pastor, who assist and advise him on ways that the parish can fulfill its mission of becoming “a welcoming community sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ through faith, prayer, and the sacraments.” The group meets monthly; members serve for three-year terms. Current council members are: Diane Miller, Jeannine Musselwhite, David Pollack, Bruno Sidor, Joanne Timpanaro, Barbara Turney. Ex-Officio members are the parish trustees: Georgia Lovell and Lee Zagame.
Feel free to contact any council member with suggestions and observations. You can send communication to the rectory address or to the rectory email,
PRE-CANA MINISTRY Pre-Cana is a required marriage preparation program for all couples planning to celebrate the sacrament of marriage. The name Pre-Cana refers to the presence of Jesus at a wedding in the village of Cana where he performed his first public miracle, changing the jugs of water into the finest wine.
Marriage is a sacred relationship that has an impact on both the civil and church society in which we live. Because of this, Assumption Parish offers a Pre-Cana program in which priests and volunteer married couples assist engaged couples in exploring the sacred commitment they are about to make to each other. We offer an “in home” program which allows couples to interact in small personal groups in the welcoming environment of team couples’ homes discussing topics essential to a successful marriage.
Our group of team couples display their commitment to the sanctity and importance of marriage by freely sharing their time and experiences with the engaged couples. Presently the Pre-Cana group is a collection of couples with experience in married life ranging from three to over forty years together. Some of our team couples have been part of our Pre-Cana family for over twenty years and several have recently joined Pre-Cana ministry after having gone through the program themselves as engaged couples.
Aside from participating with the engaged couples, the members of the Pre-Cana group enjoy each other’s company at numerous social gatherings throughout the year. Although we are at various stages in our lives, we share a common bond of commitment to marriage. What fun it is to be around people who truly love each other! Participation in this ministry is a rewarding experience that continually strengthens our own marriages. Registration for Pre-Cana takes place at the marriage intake meeting with one of our parish priests. For further information, contact the rectory at 585-8760 during regular office hour. Coordinating Couple: Susan & George Henik.
RCIA – The purpose of the RCIA is to provide an adult process that invites those who have never been baptized to come and experience the joy of our Catholic community. In addition, our parish’s RCIA provides an opportunity which allows those who have been baptized but have not celebrated all their sacraments to do so within an adult context. Anyone 18 years of age and over is welcome to attend. Contact our Pastor, or 631-585-8760 x211.
RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEE – Composed of representatives from many parish groups, the committee seeks to energize our commitment and resources in the areas of education, pastoral care and service, public policy, and prayer and worship in the service of life as outlined in the U.S.Bishops’ Plan for Pro-Life Activities.
Members seek to up-date their own education in Life Issues so they can pass this information to others. It is a daily task with new developments happening constantly. We take part in witnessing our commitment to life by taking part in the Annual “Stand Up for Life,” standing before abortion facilities to alert mothers of the dangers to themselves as well as their babies. There are annual Birthright showers to help needy mothers with layette items. Up-coming activities — such as the Rachel’s Vineyard retreats for men and women suffering the effects of abortion — are publicized in our parish bulletin.
To accomplish this, the committee works faithfully on these and other projects, working for the day when the life of all persons, born and unborn, are protected and nurtured with love and dignity.
ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY – A service-based organization of comprised of ladies who care for the Church, organize various fund raising activities and promote the spiritual lives of its members. We extend a cordial invitation to all women in the parish to join in our efforts, and look forward to meeting and working with you to support the parish we all share. For further information contact the Rectory
SCOUTING – We have 2 levels of scouting (Cub Scout, Boy Scouts) at the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Cub Scout Pack 356 – All boys, grades 1 to 5, are welcome to join the Pack which usually meet as a whole pack on the 3rd Friday every month from September through May at 7:30 p.m. at Assumption church hall. The pack is a member of the Benjamin Talmadge District of the Suffolk County Council of the Boy Scouts of America. The pack is organized by committee members, the cubmaster, assistant cubmasters, den leaders and many volunteers. Our Pack is made up of several dens, grouped by grade, called Tiger’s (1st grade), Wolf’s (2nd grade), Bear’s (3rd grade) and Webelos (4th and 5th Grades). Registration is held all year long. Please contact Larry Lasek at for more information. See also our website – – for calendar, leaders and specific contacts.
Boy Scout Troop 356 – Ages 11 – 18 meets each Tuesday night from 7 – 9:00 p.m. in the church hall. Older scouts pass on skills learned to younger scouts. We camp approximately once a month. See our website – – for more details concerning the troop.
For information on any of the three organizations, please contact Anthony Ptak at 631-219-1503 or email at All our leaders are trained in Youth Protection from the Boy Scouts of America and Virtus trained by the Diocese.
USHERS – Our parish ushers welcome parishioners/guests to all masses, assist in seating persons with physical conditions, provide aid or call for help when Medical emergencies occur, direct parishioners to ministries, etc. when they ask for information or wish to know how to join, take the offering at all masses, and assist in other ceremonies as needed, e.g., Confirmation. Anyone interested in helping out in this important ministry should contact Thomas Donnelly at 631-588-4590.
WOMEN’S MINISTRY – The Women’s Ministry of the ABVM Church provides an open and welcoming environment for women of all backgrounds, ages and life stages. We come together in fellowship to grow closer to Christ through encouragement, support and prayer. We aim to grow in our faith and demonstrate His love and grace through small group discussions, events focused on issues affecting women today and tomorrow. We also grow our faith and love of Christ through the sponsorship of family-friendly events where everyone is welcomed to fellowship and have fun. Come join us as we experience His love and grace through our lives and relationships we build together as a Ministry.
High School Ministry (AYM), Wednesdays: 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. in the parish center. All teens, grades 9 – 12 are invited.
Middle School Ministry (MSM), Thursdays, 7:00 – 8:45 p.m. in the parish center. All sixth, seventh, and eighth graders are invited.
For further information, contact Renata 631-585-8760 x 105 or email
20 Chestnut Street
Centereach, NY 11720